Archive for Loyalty Programs
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By adding a GeoHelp Community to your website, you can have FULL CONTROL of your brand, the ability to capture leads, promote customer loyalty, offer superior service and capture valuable customer data to a hosted SQL database. Here is an example of a customized GeoHelp by 2du® Help Community that is added to an existing website:

LOYALTY features include:
- POINTS for participating in the conversation !
- CUSTOMERS get their own PORTAL
- REWARDS can be given INSTANTLY to conversation participants
- DELIVERY method is chosen by the consumer (Mobile, Email, Portal)
- Customer inquiries can be initiated via MOBILE SMS
- Individualized or group promotion targeting
- REDEMPTION tracking using linear & QR Mobile barcodes
- LOCATION, mobile position statistics
This combination of features is bundled in a very easy to understand consumer and admin interface that makes it FUN for everyone involved ! Social engagement + loyalty rewards is a WIN-WIN !
Click here to see the example above.
Click here to see the GeoHelp Portal
Click here to see the GeoHelp ADMIN portal.
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Phase 1: Identify your Customers
Promotions, interactive games and loyalty card programs all have the goal of identifying both new and existing customers. You offer rewards in exchange for customers telling you who they are. Once you know exactly who your customers are, you can start a dialogue with them… for example LISTENING to their opinions and preferences, and offering products and services which meet their needs ! These identification efforts should be running AT ALL TIMES or you are missing an opportunity to grow your business.
Phase 2: Exchange Value for Info
Now that you have a raw customer list, you can start to exchange value for more information about them. It isn’t really that important to know the basic details (name, address, phone, etc.)… it is needed for the process to work (contacting them), but basic details are NOT the goal !!! The goal is to know what people like and what motivates them to visit your business and purchase your goods and/or services !! What do they buy ? Why do they buy it from your business ? What can your business do differently so that person wants to buy more ?
Phase 3: Optimizing the WIN-WIN
Now that the business has more detailed information about individual customer preferences. The business can now create and monitor targeted VALUE OFFERS to individual customers and see if they perceive a meaningful benefit ! Since customer “perception” is an ever changing variable, the value offerings need to be changing to take “real-time information” into account (such as new product deliveries, previous offer reactions, even current weather conditions !!). So start experimenting and see what REAL-TIME value-added mechanisms cause customers to visit more, spend more time per-visit, spend more money per-visit, and tell more people about your brand !
NEW MEDIA and database technologies enable this process. The GeoHelp platform is designed to combine these technologies to make REAL-TIME experimentation easier so businesses can create a non-intrusive WIN-WIN for the community. We value your opinion !
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Most people are a member of some loyalty program. An airline program ? A large clothing store program ? Here is an overview “framework” that helps explain how these systems work and why ALL BUSINESSES need to have their own Loyalty Program !

Rewardable Behaviors
The idea of a loyalty program is to modify your customers behavior. You want them to visit your store more often, buy more of your products & services, tell their friends to do the same, help you improve your business, and more. Modifying behavior is not a bad thing as long as you create a WIN-WIN proposition !
Reward Types
The GeoHelp platform enables the giving of “points”. You can then create AUTO-REWARDS (rewards thresholds) so that (for example), when a customer reached 100 points then they get a discount or a two for one offer. When they reach 200 points then they get a higher discount, and when they reach 300 points then they get a higher discount plus two free tickets to a Red Sox game ! These settings are able to be done by you (the business owner) by creating SUPER MESSAGES at the start of your loyalty campaign. Rewards delivery is AUTOMATIC !
Tangible and Intangible Results
The framework above lists a lot of good reasons why all businesses should use a loyalty program. The GeoHelp iphone app offers location rewards while still respecting your customers privacy. Concerning the intangibles, businesses will have the opportunity to associate their brand with a NEW INNOVATION and (hopefully) your business name can be seen in the GeoHelp map when consumers are close… cool !
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Your business has existed all of these years without a loyalty program, so how important can it be? When we started to research this subject, it became apparent that this might be the “secret sauce” that can optimize all of the work that you have put into quality and service and selection, etc. Forrester Research has done a survey that puts things in perspective…

But some other statistics that jump out when looking into “loyalty” are these…
6% of cola drinkers account for 60% of sales
10% of retail bank customers drive 90% of profit
0.2% of car renters account for 25% of cars rented
typically, 30% of your customers are responsible for 70%+ of your sales
companies can boost profit by almost 50% by retaining just 5% more of their customers
So who are these REVENUE CRITICAL customers for your business ? How can they be identified, managed, rewarded and maintained ?
A loyalty program will identify the customers that are critical to your bottom line !