
Give a SUPER Experience With Super Messages !


A “Super Message” is a whole assortment of info that gets AUTOMATICALLY formatted and delivered to a customer via Email or Mobile phone !    This is used for sending INSTANT coupons, INSTANT tickets, or even INSTANT product information or press releases !

We developed this system so a BUSY business owner (or their support person) can spend as little time as necessary sending  relevant and timely communications to all of their opt-in customers.  No need to worry about fancy formatting and database management.   Just select a premade Super Message, or write some text and press “SEND” !

Super Messages

Mobile message are sent as SMS text (or iphone Notification) with a link to a dynamically generated mobile website.  Auto generated info includes company photo, title, address, city, state, zip, phone, web site, email address, links to your GeoHelp account, facebook, twitter, youtube, myspace, digg, and up to four more self-defined links.  A google map shows you where this business is located, and a linear and 2d barcode is included for use as eCoupons or eTickets !   And our NEW VIDEO OPTION adds excitement to your brand !

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