Benefits of Business Engagement
By BobWhat are the Benefits of Social Engagement for Customer Service ?
- BRANDING – establish expertise and build awareness of what your business does.
- EXPOSURE – communicate with existing customers and expand your customer base
- SPREAD NEWS - Tell about new product deliveries, new sales initiatives, etc using less time and less money than traditional media.
- PROMOTE ALL TOUCH POINTS – drive traffic to all media initiatives (newspaper ads, blogs, web site, flyers, etc).
- PROVIDE FAST SUPPORT – answer customers questions instantly
- MARKET RESEARCH – get instant feedback from your customers.
- EMPLOYEE or TEAM COMMUNICATIONS – enable communications between employees or between project teams.
- BUILD LOCAL PARTNERSHIPS – both learn from and teach your fellow business owners. Identify co-op opportunities.
2du’s GeoHelp Platform lets you use leverage these benefits, and these apply to ALL TYPES of businesses including manufacturers, retailers, non-profits, religious organizations, and many more !
Please click here to see an example.
Click here to read more about our GeoHelp Platform.
Categories : Brand Building, Business Promotion, Engage, GeoHelp Admin, GeoHelp Platform, Next-Gen Customer Service